
The Discovery Center for Science and Technology for Young Scientists at Hanyang University runs mobile science classes in order to effectively convey the importance and diversity of science and technology to youths and to provide lively experience programs. Using a specialized moving trailer fitted with a stage and an assortment of performance equipment, the center visits elementary, middle, and high schools across South Korea to stage STEAM lecture plays and conduct Hands-on experiment experience programs.

 ① Mobile science classes

 Under the sponsorship of Hanyang University, mobile science classes take place every year in some 20 middle and high schools across South Korea. The mobile science classes program consists of two components: “Steam lecture plays,” which take place on a stage erected in an 11.5ton mobile science vehicle equipped with performance facilities, and combine scenes from famous musicals and operas, such as “The Phantom of the Opera” and “The Love Potion”, with scientific elements and demonstrations of scientific experiments and explanations of related mechanisms, and “Hands-on experiment experiences,” which make use of cutting-edge engineering technologies independently developed by the center, such as “a metal-air fuel cell” and “a lid made using shape-memory alloy”.

① 이동과학교실
※ Mobile science classes
the front view of the stage for a STEAM lecture play scenes from STEAM lecture plays
Hands-on experiment experiences, (self-powered flashlights) Hands-on experiment experiences (metal-air fuel cells)

 ② Visiting junior engineering classes

 Under the sponsorship of Hyundai Mobis, junior engineering classes take place every year in some 20 elementary schools across South Korea. The junior engineering classes program consists of two components: “Steam lecture plays,” which take place on a stage erected in an 11.5-ton mobile science vehicle equipped with performance facilities, and combine scenes from famous children's stories and traditional plays, such as “Journey to the West" and "The Wizard of Oz”, with scientific elements and demonstrations of scientific experiments and explanations of related mechanisms, and “Hands-on experiment experiences,” which make use of cutting-edge engineering technologies independently developed by the center, such as “a car that stops when it encounters obstacles” and “a solar-powered car”.

 ② 찾아가는 주니어 공학교실
※ Junior engineering classes in action
scenes from STEAM lecture plays (outdoor) scenes from STEAM lecture plays (indoor)
the front view of Hands-on experiment experiences in action Hands-on experiment experiences (a car moving in a lane)

 ③ Visiting junior engineering classes for rural areas

 Under the sponsorship of Hyundai Mobis, junior engineering classes for rural areas take place every year in some 10 small-sized elementary schools with 100 or fewer students in farming and fishing villages across South Korea. Aiming at students from underprivileged areas who have relatively few opportunities for science experiences, the program sees a 5-ton mobile science vehicle visit these schools and consists of the following components: “Hands-on experiment experiences,” which make use of cutting-edge engineering technologies independently developed by the center, such as “a car moving in a lane” and “a hydrogen-powered car,” and allows the students an “experience of the demonstrated devices,” which involve “night vision systems,” “ultrasonic sensors,” and “hydrogen fuel cells”.

 ② 찾아가는 주니어 공학교실
※ Junior engineering classes for rural areas in action
experimental kits and vehicles transporting products to be demonstrated the front view of Hands-on experiment experiences in action
Hands-on experiment experiences (cars exchanging information) the experience of demonstrated devices (mechanism of solar cell operation)

④ Atom engineering classes (the Visiting Engineering Car)

 Under the sponsorship of Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power, atom engineering classes (the Visiting Engineering Car) take place through visitation to middle schools located in the vicinity of the place of business. The program consists of “STEAM lecture plays,” which enable easier understanding of engineering technologies related to power generation and energy, and “Hands-on experiment experiences,” which were independently developed by the center and include “a hydro generator,” “a pumped-storage hydroelectricity bubble generator,” and “a nuclear power pinball game”.

④ 아톰공학교실 (찾아가는 공학차)
※ The Visiting Engineering Car in action
scenes from STEAM lecture plays scenes from STEAM lecture plays
Hands-on experiment experiences (how to build a pumped-storage hydroelectricity model) Hands-on experiment experiences (how to build headphones)